Established Businesses

Dynamic changes in customer behaviour demand fast understandings and reactions in brand management and communications. By focussing on strategy, design and content we help businesses and organisations to express their values and messages. Our offerings include:

Workshops: The transformation of a brand depends on the integration of employees and transparent communication within the organisation to a large degree. We offer workshops and trainings in all of the following disciplines.

Management: Planning, executing and questioning the effectiveness of actions are essential for a strategies success. Our teams develop individual processes to evaluate our work, but also the work of our clients.

Strategy: Conscious transformations need well guided execution. We develop brand strategies that enable agile communications and prevent diluting the brand.

Brand Story: Building trust is also a matter of being transparent on where a brand comes from and where it’s heading to. We consult and support our clients expressing their values and being trustworthy by telling a story that fits the brand.

Brand Experience: We consult in Touchpoint-Management und support establishing digital and analogue products and publications like CSR-, Annual Reports, periodicals, websites, apps and many more.

Marks & Logotypes: We are designing and redesigning symbols, logotypes and letterings and transfer existing letterings into other non-latin scripts.

Typeface & Language: We plan, develop, produce and implement exclusive and customised typefaces. We help extending typefaces by non-latin language systems such as Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Indian, Korean and many others.

Design Systems: Targeting different audiences or structuring products, services and content – we develop rules and systems for flexible interactions with different target groups.

Guidelines: We consult in planning and managing guidelines of all sizes. We design and maintain brand books, design guidelines and identity manuals.

Products: We help planing, designing and implementing digital products, such as mobile apps, web services or e-commerce solutions. We also support in the production of physical objects, commercially as well as architectural.