
Young enterprises have other needs and demands than businesses that sustained their position in the market. We consult and support start-ups in designing and expressing their identity, communications and products.

Brand Story
A good story constitutes the base of a brands origin, vision and strategy. Ingenuously and compellingly told a story helps employees and clients to better understand a brands mission and results in sympathy and identification.

The strategy defines the brands goals, personality and attributes. It allows accurate and appealing communication and becomes the basis of every brands promise. A strategy diligently for later audits and marketing actions

Symbols, typeface, colours and systematics transform visions to brands. Design is a non-verbal promise and crucial to gain attention and interest.

Presentations to investors can be critical over the existence and survival of a start-up. We help to carve out valid arguments and presenting convincing ideas, values and prospects.

We consult in installing systematic Touchpoint-Management and help establishing meaningful relationships by developing digital and analogue platforms.

We help designing go-to-market strategies and execute their implementations for them to become surprising, dynamic and convincing brand experiences.